Friday 2 December 2011

I broke. I know last time I spoke about how I was resoloute, and I would not cast on another thing until I had finished something. But my LYS had two balls of the crazy zauberball I have been coveting, so I bought it.

And I cast on Revontuli-huvi by Anne M.

It is coming along just delightfully and I am charmed by it. I love large shawls, so I am planning on knitting in pattern until the rows are so long that the white stripes become teeny. I have two balls of the yarn, and look forward to having a lovely large shawl for me. I am wanting to wear it to the WI Christmas bash on the 16th.

In recipe news, tonight we had chole. Its a recipe that I have been cooking for years, and it is one of those that I have always found surprising in it's simplicity and deliciousness.

1/2 onion
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp oil
Pinch of hing (also known as asafoetida, and this is optional)
1/2 tsp tumeric
2 cloves of garlic (or about 1/2 tsp garlic powder)
1 tin tomatoes/pack passata/4 whole tomatoes
1 tin chickpeas (or equivalent dried, soaked and cooked)
Pinch garam masala
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp ground corriander
1/8-1/2 tsp chili powder, or to taste
Pinch sugar
1/2 tsp ground ginger

Chop the onion. Put the oil into a pan and heat. When it is hot add the cumin seeds and let splutter for a couple of seconds. Add the hing and the tumeric and leave for a few more seconds. Add the onion and cook until brown.
Chop the garlic and add, cooking for a couple more minutes. Then add the tomatoes, and the rest of the spices. Add the chickpeas and simmer for about 20 minutes with a mug or so of water. Stir every now and then adding enough water that it not become too dry. Salt to taste.

Serves two generously over rice (and this goes particularly well with brown rice).


  1. Eating this now. NOM.

    I put asafoetida in all my curries, think it adds a certain something.

  2. Really glad you liked it :)
