Sunday 20 November 2011

Oh deary me. It would appear I am not good at updating very regularly yet.

Firstly with knitting I am trying to be less chaotic. I haven't actually finished anything in a while (except a darling little baby sweater and booties set last weekend) and am trying very hard to actually knit on something until it is done.

A while ago my darling other half bought me a beautiful skein of Angel 2ply lace from the Natural Dye studio. It's pale lilac and green and at 70% alpaca, 20% silk and 10% cashmere it is so very soft. I started knitting Ethereal Triangular Shawl by Lakshmi Juneja and it got put to one side. I have decided, however, that this, this is the project I am going to finish next.

And there it is. On my kitchen table. I'm always struck by how crap unblocked lace looks.
I'm on the final chart, and I have about 34 rows left to go. I would love for it to be finished by the 16th of December so I can wear it to the WI Christmas Party.

Speaking of which, I had utterly forgotten that I had volunteered to help out on the WI stall at the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching show this year, so when my ticket came yesterday there was much excitement. I've never actually been to a show like this. Next Sunday expect me to be bouncing off the walls!

I have got some yarn put away at my LYS and I am planning on knitting Revontuli Huivi next. The 2 balls of black, white and grey crazy zauberball should be just perfect. I just want to have enough self control to not cast on before Ethereal is finished.

In cooking news, I am trying (isn't everyone these days?) to cook more new recipes. Because the Other Half and I are quite newly in a relationship there is the wonderful process of getting to know each other's favourite recipes, and one of his happens to be jerk chicken.
So yesterday we went to a local Caribbean shop and picked up ingredients for jerk chicken (though the chicken was happy chicken from the supermarket) and rice and peas.
We also came across this:

I giggled. A lot.
But yes, the rice and peas was very easy. We sauteed an onion, added rice and dried thyme, added a tin of coconut milk and some water and brought to the boil. When boiling we added cooked kidney beans, covered and left it to it. When done, salt and pepper to taste.
The jerk chicken was the easiest thing in the world. Though I usually eschew premade spice mixes, yesterday I hadn't the inclination to get out my pestle and mortar, so we had bought some jerk seasoning. After boning the chicken we dumped a load of seasoning over it, left it for an hour or two then baked it.
The two dishes complimented each other really well, and there are leftovers. I have to try not to eat them while Himself is still in bed.

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