Wednesday 9 May 2012


So I have failed at keeping up with this for a while. I will try to do better.

I have knitted Melia from Little Red in the City by Ysolda Teague (photos to follow when I have some I like).

I'm also knitting a sock for Him Indoors - and I've been taking pictures of it all over the place, including at LARP. Sock is toe up, short row toe, short row heel. Yarn is crazy zauberball.

Ben wants boot socks, and so they are quite large (2.75mm needles, 80sts) to fit over other pairs of socks, and I'm making them quite tall.

I want to recommend very highly Susan at fat free vegan. I made her Burritos with Spanish Rice and Black Beans tonight (link) and they were as good as the rest of the things I have cooked from her website. I added leeks because I had some laying around, and shop bought salsa. The event has left me feeling tired and quite lazy, so I was proud that I managed to cook at all.

Tomorrow we are planning to havecurried chick pea soup with cauliflower again from Susan, and I can't wait. The weather was cold enough at the event that I am craving soups and stews. Having made this before, it is a perfect recipe for the weather.