Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year all.

I did finish the 11 shawls in 2011, the 11th being Lazy Katy by Birgit Freyer. I'll have pictures of that at some point.
I also completed a Dwarven Battle Bonnet for Ben.

This is it modelled by me. I have now got at least 3 requests for more battle bonnets. Silly nerds :)

I don't really make new years resolutions as such. Last year I wanted to complete my 11 shawls, but that is the closest I've come in a while. This year may be slightly different. Not a resolution per se but just a goal to eat better and be nicer to myself.

I know what I'm like, though. I work well with challenges and with deadlines. So starting today I am going to be eating as close to a vegan diet as I can for a month. What I mean by "as close as I can" is that I'm not going to throw out my utterly butterly, but when it runs out I'll be picking something dairy free.
Ben is joining me for the most part, but I can understand his lack of desire to switch the milk in his tea for non dairy.
The aim is that after a month I sit down and see how a month eating this way has made me feel. I may decide to continue, I may not.
The exception this month is going to be my birthday - if I decide to have cake, then cake I shall have. If I bake my own cake, I'll do something vegan, if I buy one then the chances of it being vegan are significantly reduced.
I'm not doing this for the love of animals (they're all right I suppose :p) but essentially out of sheer vanity. When I ate mostly vegan food a couple of years ago, I was thinner, and I would like to be healthier.

And no, I am not giving up wool :)

I shall be blogging my progress, recipes and the like, along with the usual yarn related blatherings.